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Data Management Health Check
We help you determine where you stand

Insights from analytics are only as good as the data that is fed into the analytical models and algorithms. As analytics take center stage in the management of an organization, the quality, consistency, and breadth of the data become even more important. Data must be seen as the valuable corporate asset that it is, and be supported by comprehensive Data Management techniques.

The Metrics View Data Management Health Check will help you highlight areas of improvement in the current state of your data, improve your ROI and ensure a better fit between your end users’ requirements and the logical organization of your data.

Data Management Health Check

The following are some of the signs that indicate the company’s Data Management strategy has some improvement opportunities:

Acquiring the company data may be very reliant on multiple databases, or database views
Business analysts have to use spreadsheets with multiple tabs to get the data to look right, which translates in their own analytical environment
Analysts spend much more time organizing the data than analysing the business results
Business stakeholders did not get involved in the logical organization of the analytical data sources
All the logic for gathering the data sits in the head of few people
There is a lot of query logic required in your reports to get the data to be right
Multiple versions of the truth and data integrity concerns; therefore, lack of trust in your data
Build a trusty data source of information

We can help you take on your technical challenges of these symptoms and help you build a trusty data source of information.

Sign up to review our Data Management Health Check service. Upon request we can provide further details and a sample of the documentation and assessment work.